So, here is something about me that some of you know and some of you don't. I have no time in my life for people who have "poor me" syndrome, play the "violin", or walk around with a storm cloud over them complaining constantly. It's not a quality that I am proud of. Who am I to judge what a true "problem" is? A molehill to me, may be a true mountain to someone else. I am working on this. Really, I am trying to dig deep to find it in my to be more empathetic and open-minded. Maybe it's because over the years, I have heard so many excuses from people on why they don't have time to exercise and I've become calloused to excuses and negative attitudes. People will look me square in the eye and tell me that they do not HAVE TIME to fit exercise in with everything else they have going on. Well, neither do I. Who has time to exercise? None of us HAVE the time. However, those that are healthy and fit, have made a conscious decision to make their health a priority. I work about 60 hours per week. I love every minute of my work. But nonetheless, I am trying to balance work, family and exercise into my life just like everyone else. I have LEARNED how to schedule exercise in. Every day, from 8-10 a.m. my calendar is literally blocked out with the word "workout" written in. I do not schedule dr. appts, presentations, meetings with clients or conferences with teachers during this time. This is MY time to focus on ME. It works like a charm! M-F, I exercise for about 90 minutes per day and I take the weekends off. Once I got into this routine, it became very easy to sustain and maintain it. So, where am I going with this? I challenge you to take out your calendar right now and block out time for exercise every day. Thirty minutes to start! Here comes the hard part....then do not let ANYTHING get in the way. My advice....exercise early in the morning before the day can get in the way. Do you want some guidance? I still have some openings in my Boot Camp Challenge session that begins tomorrow morning at 5 am. You can do it....let me know how you make out....
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