Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Keep Your Feet MOVING!

I asked my facebook friends last week what they wanted me to blog about in 2012.  I want to give my readers what they want.  The response was amazing!  This one is for you Anita G.....

I am always harping on my bootcampers to keep their feet moving between intervals and while they take a sip of water or recover.  I want to explain this, but I want to keep it in lay terms, so here we go....Through my training as a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor, we are taught over and over again to make sure to keep the clients moving.  If you are working at about 85% of your maximum heart rate you will feel out of breath, sweaty and your heart will be beating fast. Your blood will also be pumping oxygen to your major muscles. Without getting too scientific here..... If you just STOP after working so hard, your heart rate comes down too fast and your blood may pool and the blood may not return efficiently back to your heart.  Blood pooling may make you  feel dizzy, lightheaded, naseous and could even faint. It could also cause swelling or pain and lead to heart problems. So...keep those feet moving after a tough cardio interval.  Jog or march in place while sipping your water.  Don't forget to warm-up for at least 8-12 minutes and to cool down for 8-12 minutes.   Here's to a safe, effective workout!

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