Thursday, June 2, 2011

Exercising In Extreme Heat PRECAUTIONS

It has been unseasonably BOILING hot over the past few days in good old upstate, NY.  I scheduled an evening, outdoor boot camp challenge class for the month of May for the Times Union employees.  I thought that if we end the camp before summer kicks in, we would be fine.  Well, I didn't expect 90 degree sweltering heat in May!  So, the past few nights teaching there have been tough....NOT ideal weather for exercising.  Though I ran class, there were many warnings, precautions that I made all of my clientele aware of.  I was also careful to move from the sun to a 100% shaded area, which made a huge difference.  Some precautions to take in the summer heat:

1.  If you can avoid it, do NOT workout in the extreme heat.  During the hot summer months, exercise in the early morning or at dusk, when it is a bit cooler.  Or choose an indoor club or gym.

2.  STAY HYDRATED!  I cannot stress this enough.  Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water EVERY day and even more when you exercise and in extreme heat.  How do you know if you are hydrated enough?  Check your urine.  If your pee pee is clear, you are hydrated.  If it's dark yellow and smells like pee, then you need to drink more water.  No need for sugary sport drinks.  Just good old H 2 O with a squeeze of lemon or lime. 

3.    If you feel light headed, dizzy, crampy or nauseous while working out, stop immediately, get some water, go into an air-conditioned area and if it doesn't improve quickly then seek out medical attention.

Two people I know ended up in the ER over the past week due to dehydration/heat.  Be in tune with your body and don't let that happen to you!

Be well :)

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